Brain fog and what to eat


Most of my methods do not require much preparation because of brain fog. I have a hard enough time remembering my medications throughout the day. I'm hard pressed to remember to thaw something out or prep anything. 

I have this stack of cards with name of recipe and the ingredients required. I check off the ingredients I have on hand.  I pick 7 cards of things I have on hand and then I don't have to think about what to make for a few days. This is only a part of the method. I'll go into more detail in future posts. 

I do my main shopping once a month so I'll scan cards and see what I might need. I save money this way by not buying things I'll not use. My produce drawers are where good intentions go to die. That is no lie. Until I started preplanning I would buy all kinds of produce only to never have the energy to cut, peel, chop, slice, dice or crush. 

Although fresh foods you clean and chop yourself are always best it is okay to bypass a few steps. 

*Buy vegetables already prepared by the pound from the salad bar at your local grocer. *Covid has affected this option*

*Buy cleaned and package from the produce section. 

*Use canned or frozen. 

Buying fresh ready to eat vegetables may cost more but if I'm not throwing away food it is a better option. Not to mention the energy saved. 

*Menu and Meal Planning*

I am planning a companion pack that can be purchased separately from the book if it's needed. It will include the recipe information from the cookbook and reusable planners. 
