What is the Fork & Spoonie?
It is the blog for what will be a cookbook in the near future.
Oh jeez! Not another cookbook.
Yes, but this one is completely unique. It can be used by anyone but is aimed at people who are chronically ill, aka Spoonies. When after just a few tasks they say, "Stick a fork in me, I'm done!"
It originates from Christine Miserandino's Spoon Theory story, in which she explains what it's like to live with chronic illness to a friend, and uses spoons to demonstrate.
Daily activities that healthy people tend not to think about take tolls on people with chronic illness. You start the day with a certain number of spoons, and plan your day around not running out. Each person is different in what activity takes spoons and how many. I have several serious health conditions and my spoons are limited for any physical activity but I can sit at a computer and write without using as many as walking up a flight of stairs.
Tell me more about how this book will be so different.
I really want to but I don't want to give too much away too soon. Stay tuned for more.
I am a spoonie with several illnesses that affect my ability each day. One of them is terminal. I don't want to have to rely on others so much and I know there are others that feel the same way. I searched for a book to fill this need and found nothing that suited my needs. There are many geared toward a specific diet for a specific illness but none like this one.
Who will be publishing your book?
I have several that I will be submitting to that take submissions without a literary agent. The who will be a compassionate publisher that understands the need for such a book.
When will you be ready to seek a publisher?
As I am working on a limited amount of time I am hoping to have it completely ready to go, formatted and with pictures by July 1, 2021. I have a team that I am still adding to of friends that are testing recipes and helping me edit as I go. Every recipe will be tested for simplicity and desirability. Just because something makes sense to me doesn't mean it will for others. I am aiming for 300-400 useful recipes.
Will your recipes have pictures?
Not all will have pictures, the easiest of recipes don't really need one. I remember cookbooks I grew up with had very few pictures and usually not on the recipe itself but at the beginning of a section or in the middle of the book. I will be adding pictures to the blog of all recipes but a professional will be doing pictures for the actual book. The photographer is a fellow spoonie that I was in theater with years ago and I'm looking forward to working with her again.
Another reason for less pictures is for the final cost. Pictures take a great deal of money to have made and printed. The more pictures the more the end product will cost. So a book with 400 recipes and 400 pictures will not sell because it would cost more than anyone is willing to pay.
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